Cal Poly offers cheap thrills for everyone!

We as college kids today, tend to be “ballin on a budget,” at least according to Kristina Shevchyk; however, we are constantly in need of some form of entertainment.  Because of this, we always are on the lookout for things to do that are cheap, but are still fun. In response to this cry for constant amusement, Cal Poly, its clubs, and organizations offer a variety of events to students, as well as the community, that are affordable and fun!  

This past Thursday, Cal Poly’s radio station, KCPR, put on a showing of the 1988 Halloween classic, “Beetlejuice,” at the Palm Theatre to help members of the San Luis Obispo community to get into the “spooky spirit.” My friends and I had heard this, and knew that we had to go see it since we practically grew up watching the film!  

Once we arrived, we waited in line to get our tickets, and to our great surprise, they were only eight dollars – which is a perfect price for those looking to not break the bank!  After getting our popcorn, we made our way to our seats, and anxiously awaited the movie.

After the movie was over, I asked around the audience members to what they thought about the experience as a whole. I received many responses about how they had watched the movie as a child, so when they heard that KCPR was putting it on they needed to go. However, to my surprise, I also got some responses from people who had never seen the movie before.

“Coming into the movie, I had no idea what to expect since I had never seen it before, but after seeing it, I can definitely say that it was interesting, but good!” said Shevchyk; adding “I liked it, but there were definitely some parts watchin it that I felt a little uncomfortable.”

For anyone – especially students –  looking for a good time, I would highly suggest taking a look at what Cal Poly and its on-campus organizations have to offer.  Often times, events going on cost little to nothing, and range from movie nights at the Palm Theatre, or roller skating in the MAC, to even Trivia Nights at Mustang Station.

“I would definitely go to another event put on by Cal Poly,” said Shevchyk; adding “I had a lot of fun for cheap and would definitely recommend going to all things put on for anyone looking for some cheap fun!”

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