Mustangs Must (Go) to a Cal Poly Sporting Event

Picture this: The sound of sneakers squeak along the freshly polished hardwood floor, the smell of the snack shack fills the gymnasium, you are sitting in the stands watching your favorite team dominate the competition, your team scores a game winning point and the crowds go wild.

To me at least, this sounds like one of the best nights that anyone, especially one that college students can have.  

College sporting events are some of the most riveting forms of entertainment that people can go to.  However, students tend to be shied away because they often think that sporting events, like other events that are put on by Cal Poly, cost money to get in.  But, in fact, admission to any game on campus is free with a PolyCard.

I for one, have been taking advantage of this free form of entertainment for all three of my years at Cal Poly and love every experience I have.  In the fall, I attend football games most Saturdays, in the winter, you can always find me at a basketball game, and in the spring I love spending my Sunday afternoons at Baggot Stadium, watching a the baseball team play.  

Despite the fact that there are a number of Division 1 sports teams, there is also a wide variety Club Sports teams that have games throughout the year.  These games are free as well, and are just as lively and fun as any Division 1 Sports team’s. I had the opportunity to sit down with one of Cal Poly’s very own Men’s Club Volleyball team members to see just what crowd support does for the team as well as their upcoming season.

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